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Sofia Dias

Whole New Mess - Melopeias

Track 1 - Whole New Mess

Melopeia: Estico os meus ossos no chão e o que há de bonito no mundo transpira de mim e abandona-me.

"Won't be long now
Before it's really showing
It's every season where it is I'm going
I stretch my bones out on the floor
I think I'll really do the change
Oh, I'll really do the change
Really do the change
Back home
Gettin' back on track
Gettin' back on track
When it all fades to black
I'll be gettin' back on track
Back to my own head
Cleared out, 'til the time comes
Make a whole new mess again
Make a whole new mess again
Make a whole new mess
Make a whole new mess
Make a whole new mess again
Make a whole new mess
Celebrate the best
Take a photo for the press again
It won't be long
Before it's really showing
It's every season where it is I'm going
I stretch my bones out on the floor
I think I'll really do the change
Oh, I'll really do the change
Really do the change
Back home"

Track 2 - Too Easy (Bigger Than Us)

Melopeia: Quando olhei para trás, percebi que o Amor não era só meu, usurpá-lo para mim era e sempre será incogitável. O Amor é maior que o meu corpo, maior do que a minha existência, maior que os meus caprichos e desejos, maior que qualquer coisa que possa criar com a minha mente. Colocá-lo numa garrafa e lançá-lo ao mar é mais que inútil, é impossível. Até o Amor tem o seu próprio sistema operante, é um mecanismo biológico antigo, que incorpora um papel social moderno.

"Anyway you want to, honey
Take me, show me how you want me
I believe all that you say
I can see it in the way
We are walkin' through together
It's too easy, almost never
One could make me laugh forever
I'd do anything for you
Oh, I'd do anything for you

Some things happen for a reason
Cancel all these plans I'm dreaming
Living for something that's real
You walked in and now I feel
I'm not alone, I'm not
The real truth of it all is that we haven't lost
After the wait, come down
I looked around and found something else
Something that was
I'm not alone, I'm not
The real truth of it all is that I haven't lost
After the wait, come down
I looked around and found something else
Something that was
Bigger than us
Bigger than us"

Track 3 - (New Love) Cassette

Melopeia: Abraçarei as tuas mentiras, deliciando-me por saber que quando as dizes rodas os anéis de uma mão com a outra.

"I'm gonna help you see when you're hard to find
Gonna give you strength, give you all my mind
Wanna show you my love all the time
Wanna hold you close and let you lie
Gonna love you
True you
When you're out of touch and you don't know how
Gonna give you my hands, gonna show you now
Gonna show you love all of the time
Gonna be your breath when you're out of life
Love free
Take me
[Instrumental Break]
Love free
Take me
Love free
Take me"

Track 4 - (We Are All Mirrors)

Melopeia: Quando a música parar, quando já nada dançar em mim, restarei eu e os comigos de mim. Vão deixar de conseguir ler as letras do pacote de açúcar que vem com o café; vão visitar os hotéis lisboetas, onde cada um está instalado; vão dizer olá ao Adamastor e discutir uns com os outros se, de facto, Fernando Pessoa era o Supra-Camões.

"I've been watchin' all of my past repeatin'
There's no endin', and when I stop pretendin'
See you standin', a million moments landin'
On your smile, buried alive, I could have
Died to stay there, never have to leave there

All this trouble tryin' to catch right up with me
I keep movin', knowin' someday that I will be
Standin', facin', all mirrors are erasin'
Losin' beauty, at least at times it knew me
At least at times it knew me
At least at times it knew me"

Track 5 - (Summer Song)

Melopeia: Criei um método novo para lidar com a confusão da minha casa, vi na net. Tudo o que desarrumei passei a fechar num armário. Um dia foi uma cadeira, noutro dia uma pestana, a semana passada foi um verniz, na segunda foram os colares, na terça uma caneca com chá, na quarta os discos todos, na quinta a “Insustentável leveza do ser”, na sexta atirei para lá o coração e fiz fisgas o fim-de-semana inteiro.

"Took a while, but I made it through
If I could show you the hell I'd been to
Kept climbing 'til one day I looked back
Was so high, I couldn't think to land
And then one moment I was blown away
And there was nothing left that I could say or do
Took a while, but I made it through
If I could show you the hell I'd been to
Lost the light, but then the sun was shining
Couldn't hide it and I wasn't trying
And all those people I thought knew me well
After all that time, they couldn't tell
I lost my soul, was just a shell
Just a fragment of myself
There was nothing left that I could lose
Took a while, but I made it through
If I could show you the hell I'd been to
Was I becoming what I had to be?
Was that the truth I was supposed to see?
I may have never found my way to you
And all those things that I was made to feel
It doesn't matter if they're right or real
My heart is still splitting in two
And all those summer days were like a dream
Woke me from a restless sleep
Made me quiet, had me weak
And all the weight and all the love of all the world
Came rushing through"

Track 6 - Waving, Smiling

Melopeia: “Já encontraste o caminho ou não? O teu sentido de orientação é execrável!” “Ainda não, sê mais paciente, por favor!” “Não tens o Google Maps?” “O Google quê?” “Eu quero desnascer!” “Desnasces quando chegarmos, eu vou buscar o meu mapa!” “Ah sim, claro, vais buscar o mapa físico, chegamos lá em 2025!” “Olha, acho que é para a direita!” “Fantástico, vou pela esquerda!” O Coração, confiante com o seu modelo arcaico de orientação, anda a passos largos pelo caminho da direita, olha para trás e já não avista o Cérebro.

"Found me down and, honey, you left me down
Turned right around, now baby, I'm rising
How could you know wherever a heart should go?
You're on your own when you are arriving
I've made my bed
I've laid out all those tears
I've made my bed
Made up of all my fears
All my fears cried out of those years
Cried out of those years
Now baby, I'm lying, laid out and smilin'
Look out my window, the sun is shining
The sun is shining
I'm waving, smiling
At love forever, alive and dying
I'm waving, smiling
I'm waving, smiling
At love forever, alive and dying
The sun is shining
The sun is shining"

Track 7 - Tonight (Without You)

Melopeia: A história da literatura está cheia de poetas tolos, que fizeram odes à beleza das amadas e quase nunca as souberam ler. Nunca as souberam sentir. Nunca souberam fundir-se com elas. Prová-las. A maior parte de nós, não quer ser musa, não quer ser manequim de um artista. Quer ser O artista.

I like the air that I breathe
I like the thoughts that I think
I like the life that I live
Without you
Without you
Without you
Without you
Like how it's all coming clear
All the words that I hear
Like how I'm not in fear
Without you
Without you

Without you
Without you
And it's not because I don't love
Just don't have time to explain
All the things you think you've come to understand
About me
About me
About me
About me"

Track 8 - Lark Song

Melopeia: “Podemos jogar às escondidas?” “Tu começas a rir quando percebes que estou quase a encontrar o teu esconderijo.” “E tu finges que não ouves o meu riso quando eu percebo que estás quase a encontrar o meu esconderijo” “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, AQUI VOU EU!”

"To forget you is to hide, there's still so much left to recover
If only we could start again, pretending we don't know each other
I could not come back the same, this city's changed
It's not what it was back when you loved me
Walking down that path we made when we thought
What we had was such a good thing
Hiding out inside my head, it's me again, it's no surprise I'm on my own now
Every time I turn to you, I see the past
It's all that lasts and all I know how
Learn to look me in the eyes
Yet I still don't feel it's me you're facing
Say your heart is always mine, what about old times, you can't erase them
Wishing we could only find one another
All we've done here is blind one another
Hate can't live in this heart here forever
Have to learn how to make it together
The way you scream like something else as a man
The way you scream like something else as a man
The way you scream like something else as a man
Baby, I was there and I held him, I was there and he put it all on me
Baby, I was there and I held him, right there where no one else could see
Took me into his arms, told me that I was the reason
Told me that I was the woman he'd always be losing, always be dreaming
Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream on, dream on, dream on
Dream on, dream on
Dream on
You say you love every single part
What about my dreams?
What about the heart?
Trouble from the start
Trouble with the heart
Ah, trouble with the heart"

Track 9 - Impasse (Workin’ for the Name)

Melopeia: Vivo na minha cabeça e, mesmo assim, tenho problemas com a vizinhança.

"Go on, on ahead, tell your friends I was wrong
Take it all out on me, I'm too caught up to see
Everyone will believe, will believe, will believe
Say what you want, what you need, break it down
Take what's left, and get out, tell them what it's about
You know best, don't you now
Don't you now, don't you now
Don't you now, don't you now
Don't you now, don't you now
You think this is what I wanted when I said
I'm just livin' in my head
I'm just livin' in my
I'm just workin' for the name
I never lost anyone
I never lost anyone
I never lost anyone
I'm just livin' in my head
I'm just livin' in my head
I'm just workin' for the name
I never lost anyone
I never lost anyone"

Track 10 - Chance (Forever Love)

Melopeia: As eternidades não me exaltam, não me fazem transbordar de sentimento, não te prometo uma, nem quero que me fiques a dever outra. Se tudo isto te extenuar, não continues a dormir no fundo da minha piscina. A água pode começar a transbordar e causamos uma cheia. (Lisboa não está pronta para isto). Abandona-o. Fá-lo suavemente. Como se o estivesses a fazer num dos meus sonhos. E, depois para de correr. Anda.

"What is it you think I need?
Maybe it's too hard to see
I don't want it all
I've had enough
I don't want it all
I've had a love
Worst feeling I've ever had is gone
It's gone
I know how it all comes back, I know too well
Now I'm done
I'm leaving once again
Making my own plans
I'm not looking for the answer
Or anything that lasts
I just want to see some beauty
Try and understand
If we got to know each other
How rare is that?
All that space in between where we stand
Could be our chance
Could be our chance
I'm walking through the scenes
I'm saying all the lines
I wish I could un-see some things that gave me life
I wish I could un-know some things that told me so
I wish I could believe all that's been promised me
It's hard to say forever love
Forever's just so far
It's hard to say forever love
Forever's just so far
It's hard to say forever love
Forever's just so far
Why don't you say you're with me now
With all of your heart?
With all of your heart?
With all of your heart?
With all of your heart?
With all of your heart?"

Track 11 - What It Is (What It Is)

Melopeia: “É possível amar sem querer bordar coração com coração, sem querer virar a pele de alguém, sem querer ver cores que nunca vi com os olhos que me deram?” “Claro que sim, Luísa, consegues amar sem estar apaixonada.”

"It's easy when you're passionate
It's easy when you know your way around
It's easy when you love something
It's easy if you know exactly how
It's easy to openly say
Oh, that you could never change your mind
That feeling coming over you
It would never dare leave you behind
It's easy if you tell the truth
But knowing what it is, it's not enough
Knowing that you love someone
Doesn't mean you ever were in love
It's never easy to admit
That maybe you just want
Just to feel something again
You just wanted to forget
That your heart was full of shit
You just wanted to forget
You just wanted to forget
It's easy when you're passionate
It's easy when you know your way around
It's easy when you love something
It's easy if you know exactly how
It's easy if you tell the truth
But knowing what it is, it's not enough
And knowing that you love someone
Doesn't mean you ever were in love"


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